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Benefits of Manuka honey.

Manuka honey contains carbohydrates, protein, minerals, fatty acids, phenolic compounds and flavonoids. Which are antioxidants. Although these nutrients can be found in other types of honey. But Manuka honey contains Methylglyoxal. Which has natural antibacterial properties in quantities greater than those found in general honey. Manuka honey is


Regular honey has anti-inflammatory properties and relieve symptoms of infection. By helping to adjust the function of the skin’s immune system. And stimulates the repair of damaged skin tissue. Manuka honey is one of the most popular types of honey used as an ingredient in skin care products for

Precautions when choosing to buy canned fruits

To be safe for the body and benefit from canned fruits that are truly healthy. Consumers should pay attention to the following precautions. Salt, sugar and preservatives In the production process of canned fruits, quite a bit of salt, sugar, or preservatives are added. To get the taste or

Food sources of antioxidants.

Normally, the human body can produce its own antioxidants. But this may not be enough to maintain good health. So eating certain foods will help the body get antioxidants. Which helps reduce and slow down cell degeneration. Each food may contain different types of antioxidants as follows: